Search Engine Optimization is necessary to bring traffic to a website. Meta tag is one of the element that Search engines use while crawling as according to some SEO guides and most important is Description meta tag. So I spent some time to add Description meta tag to my blog which is powered by Blogger. After that I realized that we can only add static meta tag through out the whole blog in normal way by using edit HTML template. As per SEO guides, adding same meta tag through out the blog is not a good practice and we should avoid the same. Some workarounds are there for adding dynamic description meta tag for blogger by checking some conditions. But for achieving that we need to add condition for each and every post. So I tried some alternatives and I believe I got a nice workaround.
- Go to Edit HTML template page of Blogger.
- I added page title itself as meta content. Paste the below code in the head section,
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle' name='keywords'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle' name='Description'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle' name='Subject'/>
Happy blogging.
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